Leadership & Communication
Easy in Tech

🚀Close More Deals🚀
🤝Build a Stronger Business🤝

What I do

I help mid-market, scale-up & start-up B2B tech companies
close more deals & build a stronger business.

Persuasive Engagements convert your investors & customers.
Leadership Toolkit drives performance, growth & resilience.
Talking Tech delivers your message with impact.

I am the technical authority in the room with your customer removing their problems with your offerings. Impact enablement on steroids, I am the white labelled CTO embedded within your Sales, Bid, and Investment teams.

I am your company's wingman to close that critical investment or that critical sale. Coaching, curating, and consulting your message, your product, your delivery, your people to persuade with impact to close the deal.

I coach plateaued, stuck, and first-time CXO's. I coach leaders from managers, I coach first-time managers, and I coach whole team transformations.

I provide you with an instantly actionable toolkit of skills and practical coaching, to provide you and your teams with a leadership and communication foundation that drives your business to greater heights now, and scales for tomorrow.

I talk tech & leadership. Compering events, Leading breakouts & panels. Keynote, panel & session Speaker.

Whether it is building sales, building businesses, or building sustainable high performance, Speak Easy Tech's approach provides you and your teams with the toolkit & voice to succeed.

See what my customers say:

Your leadership impacts the whole organisation

Leadership Development

Here's the problem. The world moved and one or more of your C-suite haven't made the jump. They've plateaued. They're stuck. They need help. Or maybe there's a gap between the person you promoted who's fabulous at their function, and what you need from them as a leader. Or, that promotion created a first time leader, and they don't know how to lead! Or, you have a new or broken team and manager who lack cohesion. You need help!

You need dynamic, capable leaders to build strong companies for growth, innovation and resilience. Whether they're a seasoned player who needs to up their game, it's their first time in the C-suite, or newly minted team leader, we start where you and your people are.

Speak Easy Tech's Leadership Toolkit is a progressive set of instantly actionable modules that delivers Leadership Development in a way that works for you, your team, and your business. Discuss your challenges and aspirations with me, and we'll design the perfect programme together.

Consulting & Courses

  • Imposter Syndrome, Confidence & Anxiety

  • Public Speaking Coach

  • Careers & Transitions

  • Mentoring Services

  • Customer Rescues

  • Keynote Speaker

  • Panel Moderator

  • Event Host

Persuasive Presentations

There are 2 types of Persuasive Presentation:
- Need help now: Persuasive Engagement
- You've got time: Persuasive UpSkill

Whether it's a:

  • High profile sale or bid

  • Board presentation

  • Investment pitch

  • Business case

  • Keynote

You need help now! Persuasive Engagement provides you focused, rapid support to nail that decisive presentation. Available One-on-one, in Groups, or for Whole Events. It even includes support from the side-lines on the day. Or, if you need it, me in person, delivering the presentation or event with you in partnership. Ask about our white labelled CTO embedded within your Sales team. Gluing the triad of CRO fluff, Tech confusion, and Customer problems together for that persuasive peer-to-peer impact with your customer when it counts.

You've got time: Persuasive UpSkill is a structured coaching and support programme allowing you to deliver decisive presentations. UpSkill starts where you are. Whether it's your first time speaking or you are a seasoned pro looking to take it to the next level, I up your skills to make the difference.

Delivery flexes from dedicated one-on-one coaching, up to groups of 16. Group sessions can be single day, or multi-day; consecutive or gapped.

Content is matched to your aspirations, group size, and budget.

technical [tek-ni-kuhl] adjective

  1. concerned with or dwelling on technicalities:
    -You're getting too technical for me.

  2. using terminology or treating subject matter in a manner peculiar to a particular field, as a writer or speaker:
    -No one understands what you're saying.

  3. technically demanding or difficult:
    -We still don't understands what you're saying.

Technical confuses:

Speak Easy Tech makes the technical easy

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