Persuasive Presentations
come in 2 flavours

Persuasive UpSkill
Persuasive Engagements

Persuasive Engagements provide you rapid, focused support to nail that decisive presentation.

Whether it's you closing a deal, your next round of investment, your inspiring keynote, or maybe you need a heavyweight CTO in your corner for just a few hours. I provide tailored enablement support so you deliver your message with impact.

Persuasive Engagements builds a bespoke programme starting where you and your team are today, and what you need to achieve. Whether it's parachuting in for a lightning Sales call, or a mix of workshops and coaching sessions to close a big bid or keynote, we will agree your specific objectives, and those of your audience. We'll meld these together to drive the messaging, presentation & delivery for the event, and frame them for persuasion. Scripts, slides and structure will be crafted to become your own, and refined to deliver with impact. Personal guided feedback & practice, dry-runs, team coordination, venue management and public speaking coaching to prepare for excellence.

It even includes support from the side-lines on the day. Or, if you need it, me in person, delivering the presentation or event with you in partnership. Your presentation could be for:

  • High profile sale or bid

  • Board presentation

  • Investment pitch

  • Business case

  • Keynote

Delivery flexes to meet your specific needs, CTO Drop-In for white the labelled technical authority embedded within your team. One-on-One for a single speaker - ideal for lone Sales, keynotes, and interviews. Group support to elevate your presentation team - a great fit for big deals & investment pitches. Whole event - for fabulous conferences, town halls and industry events

Who would you like to persuade today?

Persuasive UpSkill is a structured coaching and support programme allowing you to deliver decisive presentations.

UpSkill starts where you are and takes the time to build your delivery. Whether it's your first time speaking or you are a seasoned pro looking to take it to the next level, we up your skills to make the difference. Your presentation could be for a:

  • High profile sale or bid

  • Board presentation

  • Investment pitch

  • Business case

  • Keynote

I tailor my coaching sessions to match your aspirations. Your bespoke coaching can include:

  • Managing anxiety & nerves

  • Your audience, your message

  • Creating your speech

  • Craft your presentation

  • How you deliver for persuasion & impact

  • Practical experience developing your speech-craft

  • Practice runs

  • Personalised feedback and iterative development

  • The tips and tricks to impromptu speaking

  • What goes wrong and what to do about it

  • Being on a panel, delivering a panel

  • Leading the roundtable

  • Being the event compere

Delivery flexes from dedicated one-on-one coaching, up to groups of 16. Group sessions can be single day, or multi-day; consecutive or gapped.

Content is matched to your aspirations, group size, and budget.

Who in your organisation needs a Persuasive UpSkill?

What our customer say about
Persuasive Presentations: